Make money with your blog with Popads - Exclusive for Bloggers

popads is an advertisement which you can place in your blog like adsense however in PopAds, Ads are showing in popups in your website and you earn by each impressions created by guests i.e,by CPM. If you've website which has huge or even moderate traffic then you can earn a lot of money with Popads. There's no limit to earnings, the more the traffic in your blog the more you will earn by PopAds.

There are many pop under networks in the market but personally I prefer because :

  1. It is the very first popunder ad-network that uses CPC-like bidding system – so you can set the minimal rate that you are going to accept per popunder.

  2. Super Fast Payments – payments are processed daily(probably the coolest thing)

  3. Payments via Paypal or Alert-pay with a minimum of $5

  4. Great International Coverage

  5. Full control over content and rate of popunder.

  6. Good Popunder rates

  7. All sites are accepted

To start earning money:

  1. Create your account. Click here. (Sign up from our referral and your website will get accepted in no time)

  2. Click on “New Website” and Add you website.

  3. Now wait for approval – (takes about 30mins to 24 hrs max)

  4. To check the status of your website click on “Websites”

  5. If your website/blog is approved click on “Get Code”

  6. Click on “Generate Code” to get the code.

  7. Copy the code and go to your blogger site>Goto "Templates">Click on "Edit HTML">Click inside the html box and press "ctrl f">a search box will appear, in the search box type "</head>" and enter> now place the code directly above </head> tag>Save template.

  8. Now you are ready. The popups ads will show withing few minutes. 

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Make money with your blog with Popads - Exclusive for Bloggers
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December 17, 2014 at 9:30 AM delete

I don't. Have any website. Can u explain how. To create a website plz

February 28, 2015 at 11:02 AM delete

Good article, please explain in this blog how to set minimal rate that you are going to accept per popunder
