Post an Ad on Junglee and the first 1,000 ads per day win Rs 100 gift card from Amazon. The offer period is from 6 December 2014 to 8 January 2015 and the first 1,000 users who posts an ad on gets gift card. You can redeem this gift card to buy anything on
Step to get free Gift Card:-
1. First of all visit this link and enter details of your ad.
2. Click on "Post an Ad" then you will be redirected to amazon, Sign in or Sign up in Amazon and verify your phone number.
Terms & Conditions:-
1. The ad must contain at least one image of the product to be eligible to win.
2. Ensure that the ad remains live on Junglee for at least 24 continuous hours during the Offer Period.
3. You will get the gift card only once during the offer duration, irrespective of the number of ads you post.
Free Rs 100 Amazon Gift Voucher for posting an ad on Junglee (2 Days Left)
plz tell me how to redeem this becoz i get transaction id on my mail so what i m do this transaction id ?
Replyplz rply as soon as possible
I did it today..aftr how many days it will be possible that i'll get a gift card ?? Plz tell admin.